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Old Oct 05, 2006, 06:06 AM // 06:06   #1
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Default A wind dervish build

Im playing around with a couple of ideas for a build. A couple of things I would like to use are Lyssa's assault + Ethereal aid ( gain 8-9 mana and a free attack 15 sec cool down) and wearying strike + plague touch. The biggest problems I have are finding a spot for an ellite and having enough room.

Also wearying strike + plague touch takes up two slots, Whirrling charge is a great skill... but its not an enchantment, so no use from mysticism, and no synergy with Dwayna's kiss or Pious restoration, the two primary self heals in wind magic.

Pious restoration looks great for hex control, but it requires you to have 2 enchants on you, one of which you want to drop to make it better than Dwayna's kiss. Asside from Grenths fingers wind doesnt have any enchants you want to drop unlike earth with vital boon, aura of thorns, and dust cloak ect.

So this is one possible wind devish build, utilizing ethereal aid and lyssa's assault for energy management.

16 scythe, 11 wind, 9 mysticism

Dwayna's Touch
Ethereal Aid
Guiding hands
Lyssa's Assault
Harriers Grasp
Whirrling Charge
Wounding Strike

Mysticism here is low, but since enchants arent being cycled as much as other builds, its not needed. Only running with 3 enchants. Dwayna's Touch is the only heal, but as long as 2 enchants are up its 98 hp every 2 sec for 5 energy with 3/4 cast.

Imo, earth looks like a MUCH easier dervish playstyle. I still feel like this build could be improved upon. Maybe swap Whirrling Charge for featherfoot grace?, more reliable speed pluss its an enchant and swap out the rez for pious strike. With pious strike, it would be easy to spam it 3 times in a row for very nice damage at little mana cost.

Another possibility, is to swap out the rez with a long lasting cast and forget enchant such as faithful or watchful intervention. This adds more survivability while adding another enchant for Dwayna's kiss. Other usefull enchants would be balthazars aura, 30 sec duration convert weapon to holy damage, and heart of fury, a 14 sec IAS enchant.

Last edited by furbat; Oct 05, 2006 at 12:48 PM // 12:48..
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Old Jan 29, 2007, 12:13 PM // 12:13   #2
Pre-Searing Cadet
Join Date: Jan 2007
Guild: soul
Profession: D/R

Well, i reckon my Dervish attr are the best
Check them out :

Mel Dervish

Avatar of Melandru
Avatar of Melandru [Elite]
dervish/Mysticism - Form
Energy: 25
Activation: 2
Duration: 15..75
Recharge: 10
Form. For 15..75 seconds, you have +200 Health, you are unaffected by Conditions, and your attacks deal earth damage. This Skill is disabled for 120 seconds.Dervish/X

Mysticism: 12 (11+1)
Scythe Mastery: 14 (12+2)
Wind Prayers: 7 (6+1)

Avatar of Melandru
Wearying Strike
Harrier's Grasp
Harrier's Haste
Mystic Sweep
Eremite's Attack
Heart of Fury/Imbue Health
Resurrection Signet

Mel Dervish, Alliance Battle Version

Swap out Resurrection Signet for Faithful Intervention, and add a Superior Rune of Scythe Mastery.

Wearying Strike
Wearying Strike
dervish/Scythe Mastery - Attack
Energy: 5
Activation: 0
Recharge: 2
Attack. If this attack hits, you deal +1..31 damage and inflict a Deep Wound for 3..10 seconds. You suffer from Weakness for 10 seconds. In an Alliance Battle, a Melandru Dervish can charge into the thick of things and then make a hasty retreat when the situation gets too dangerous. The movement speed boost and immunity to Conditions makes this an ideal character for running down isolated individuals. It can also solo many other characters and stall until the rest of the team arrives. In fact, a Melandru Dervish holds its own against commonly seen builds such as Searing Flames Elementalists, Assassins, Crippling Rangers, and YAA Warriors. Each of these builds relies largely on one or more Conditions that don't affect the Mel Dervish. The extra Health means the Dervish survives longer against other damage, such as normal melee attacks. And with Wearying Strike to apply constant Deep Wounds, and Harrier's Grasp for Crippling, attacked targets must get help quickly or die.

You need to play aggressively when using Avatar of Melandru. Push for softer targets and Monks that hang back. A Dervish running rampant in the back lines presents a powerful disruption to any team. Once Avatar of Melandru wears off, play with more caution and try to stall opposing melee characters until you can activate the Form again. When activating the Form, however, you must try to stay out of range of interrupts or knock downs. That 25 Energy investment does take some time to recover.

Skill Rationale and Synergy

People commonly choose Wearying Strike as the favored attack skill with Avatar of Melandru. The normal penalty of becoming Weakened when using Wearying Strike to inflict a Deep Wound on the target doesn't apply because the Avatar has Condition immunity. To add another Condition, Harrier's Grasp will Cripple the target, making sure the Dervish stays close enough to keep swinging. With Harrier's Haste going, any opponent trying to move away suffers even more due to the damage bonus. Heart of Fury serves as the IAS and contributes some AoE Burning. Even without Heart of Fury, Mystic Sweep and Eremite's Attack strike quickly, faster than a normal scythe swing. These attacks function as their own IAS, much like Protector's Strike and Critical Chop on a Warrior.

In the optional skill slots, Faithful Intervention adds another Enchantment to help trigger the damage bonus on Mystic Sweep, especially when separated from the rest of the group. Plus, it essentially adds another layer of Health, protecting the Dervish from surprise attacks and buying more time for an escape. Imbue Health comes in handy as a hidden heal when working with others. Often, opponents look for healing to come only from the Monk, not from other characters.

Imbue Health
Imbue Health
dervish/Mysticism - Spell
Energy: 10
Activation: 0.25
Recharge: 10
Spell. Target other ally is healed for 5..50% of your current Health (maximum 300 Health).Counters: Wards, Hexes, Knock down. To a lesser extent, Energy denial and Enchantment removal can slow down a Mel Dervish.


There ya all happy chappys go, enjoy my dervish!!
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Old Jan 29, 2007, 04:39 PM // 16:39   #3
Forge Runner
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Join Date: Nov 2005
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One thing to keep in mind is that in general, Wind Prayers ~> PvP, and Earth Prayers ~> PvE. Also as That's a Chair said, Wearying Strike with AoMelandru is a great combo. Ideally in your build, you would want to replace Plague Touch with AoM. Also there is no such skill as Ethereal Aid, so I'm not sure how your build is supposed to work.
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